USV - International Economic Conferences, Vision and Foresight in Economic Policies in Times of Crisis - 2013 Session

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Impact of Economic Crisis on Wood Markets (Consumption, Production and Trade)
Antoniu Predescu, Maria-Loredana Popescu, Mihaela-Diana Oancea-Negescu

Building: Building E
Room: E005
Date: 2013-11-01 03:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-30


 Global economic crisis represents one of the causes why the consumption one of wood is increasing especially in countries less developed. In these countries where government couldn’t improve the quality of life and unemployment rate is higher, local communities devastated a lot of forestry.

 In the last thirty years we can saw a deforestation process at the global level related to the conversion to the others uses: agriculture, urbanization which represents a positive trend of a negative use.

The statistics revealed an increasing demand for paper, paper products, wood products and wood energy. So is important to analyze where wood came from and where is going as primary or secondary products?

For undeveloped countries, like Romania, is easy to export primary wood product without evaluating the consequences.

Developed countries like Sweden export value added products which brig them higher value and profits and require greater manufacturing and marketing skills (case IKEA).

The paper intends to conclude by long-term consequences for forest sector.

The government policy could introduce trade barriers to decrease the consumption (like export taxes).