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Building: Building E
Room: E005
Date: 2013-11-01 03:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-30
Romanian tourism development is a current and controversial topic. The ways through which this sector can be developed are several, but first must be carefully analyzed the present situation by making a good evaluation, in order to have effective and applicable results in our reality. Achieving the objectives of the green economy is a necessary requirement of sustainable development of society. Lately, the trend is to promote more and more the ecotourism and the agrotourism. So, in this article, we present the current situation of the Romanian tourism sector by using the available statistical data at a national and international level. We conducted a SWOT analysis to highlight the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Romanian tourism, based on the sector situation analyses, in order to make proposals for how the Romanian tourism sector can and will become more competitive, more efficient and more noticeable. The methodological framework consists in quantitative methods and qualitative methods that allow greater flexibility of data analysis. This study concludes that the Romanian tourism must be developed by focusing on promoting more the touristic resources and introducing financial instruments for developing this sector.
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