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Low Touch Economy and Social Economy in Rural Heritage Rich Communities impacted by COVID-19 crisis
Last modified: 2020-05-08
While rural communities have always struggled with factors like marginalisation, low entrepreneurial development, low education, the Covid19 crisis brings extra pressure by reducing close-contact interactions and by introducing travel and hygiene restrictions. Cultural heritage has represented for many rural communities a competitive advantage in their economic development, either already exploited or as an opportunity. The problem of this process in the new Covid19 context is resumed through a demand and supply shock, caused by the stop of direct labour, high decrease of acquisitions and cease of travel. In these new economic and social circumstances, it is important to explore the way the COVID19 crisis impacts rural heritage rich communities and which are possible next actions. The present paper will bring into focus the concepts of Low Touch Economy and Social Economy as a support in dealing with these new economic and social conditions.
rural heritage; social economy; low touch economy; covid-19 crisis
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